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Welcome To My Portfolio!

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Hello there!

Thank you for taking the time to view my digital portfolio! As I navigate my way through the beautifully ominous world of the journalism industry, I thought it would be helpful to compile all of my work into one place, so I created this virtual portfolio. 

The purpose of this site is to share my work as I build my writer's resume and develop my skills as journalist.  

I am planning a blog that reflects interpretations of fashion in New York. Without giving too much away, the idea molds the worlds of travel and commuter style. I am so excited to begin this "blogging" journey! There will be more to read on this soon!  

Lastly, I am seeking an internship, ideally in journalism or copywriting, for the Spring 2022 semester. I love writing and I hope to be able to love what I do for a living. Hopefully, this internship could turn into a full-time position since I graduate at the end of the Spring 2022 semester. 

As you browse through my published work at Blush Magazine, or FIT projects for various business communications courses like Public Relations and Copywriting, I hope you enjoy what you are reading and find the writing to be mostly engaging and interesting. 

I say mostly because a lot of my work on this site was created quite awhile ago and I'd say I've grown a bit as a writer since 2019. I am very proud of the writing and projects I am currently producing in my capstone and bachelor degree courses of Fiction Writing, Brand Management, and Feature Journalism.

Once the pieces are complete, I will be adding them to this site as well!

I welcome any feedback, comments, or questions about my work.

Thank you for your time,


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